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English Corner 2 – Han Awal is Indonesia’s greatest architecture conservator, but what about his non-conservation work?

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This January, this very blog is ecstatic on something. Not on good buildings, but box of surprises coming off this blog’s very partner. The proper architectural graduates interested on history and proper organization who research and curate the life and times of national architecture maestro Han Awal.

We decide to write English version anyway about him, his architectural project and our view about it, for international readers and Bahasa allergics who want to read the “ever reliable” Setiap Gedung Punya Cerita’s version of Han Awal.

References are listed on this page’s own Indonesian version

Han Awal
Colonel Han. Image by Konstruksi magazine.


Who was Han Awal anyway?

He active during mid-1960s to his passing. Strong enough. Han Awal was born in Malang on 16 September 1930, from his father who was a politician and housewife mother. After his stint of on-and-off primary education due to World War II, in 1950 Han Hoo Tjwan – his original name – went to Delft, the Netherlands, to study architecture, funded by Catholic Church scholarship.

It didn’t go well. Diplomatic relations between Indonesia and the Netherlands turns cold like an estrangled son and his parent. Han and his ATAP pals had to leave Delft, despite Han being funded independently. Then they discover West Germany – a western world country whose diplomatic relation with Indonesia is warmer – as their new home. Han later went to TU Berlin to continue study and graduated in 1961.

Between 1961-68 he was at Biro Arsitek & Insinyur Estetika, involved on some project including Wisma Warta for Asian Games 1962. But his early architectural career were delayed by conscription and only by 1964 he returned to architecture to help his ATAP pal Soejoedi Wirjoatmodjo for his Conefo project. Since Conefo project, due to political changes and President Soeharto’s extending anti-China legislation, Han Hoo Tjwan renamed himself Han Awal.

Han Awal founded Han Awal & Partners in 1968 with his another ATAP pal Mustafa Pamuntjak and draughtsmen in his house at Kebayoran Baru; but his role on architecture become more prominent by involved on renovating Dutch colonial heritage, namely Jakarta Catholic Cathedral, thanks to Catholic funding. That started his role as conservator.

We also remind you that Han Awal is substantally involved on designing many of modern churches and educational facilities owned by Christianity organizations no matter their denomination. Outside designing and conserving, he also taught architecture at universities and colleges.

Han Awal passed away on 14 May 2016.


Few – if many – Han Awal’s non-conservation works featured on any websites

Our blog’s problem with Han Awal is, if need to be honest, that all of his non-conservation work are unremarkable and at worst forgettable – our blog’s main focus will always featuring bland and unremarkable buildings. In hindsight, Han Awal avoided himself from oblivion (unlike his friends Bianpoen, Suwondo Bismo Sutedjo or Mustafa Pamuntjak) by taking himself to conserving Jakarta Cathedral, a Dutch colonial heritage owned by Catholic Church, later in his career.

This happened when this blog owner received information on several sources: from a webinar held on 16 January 2025 and some primary information unearthed by one of SGPC’s acquaintances. Excluding heritage projects, Han’s portfolio featured several houses where we can’t identify the location, factories, churches, schools, few hospitals, hotels and office blocks.

Han Awal made factories. Do these shake your perception on conservator image?

Pabrik PT Martina Berto Pulogadung
No one believe this….. this is factory Han Awal designed. Image: PT Martina Berto

Our international and Bahasa allergics would not interested enough to look Han Awal’s industrial building e.g. Pulogadung’s Martina Berto distribution warehouse (1981), Tempo Scan Pacific’s warehouse in Cawang (mid-1970s, formerly Scanchemie) or worse, Gramedia warehouse in Cakung (1983). But if you do and want to see it, below is our list.

Novartis IndonesiaJalan T.B. Simatupang No. 5 Jakarta TimurFactory constructed 1973
Office bldg constructed 1997-1999
Former Schering Indonesia factory. Collaboration with Vincent Winarko. Renovation by Mustafa Pamuntjak in 1982.
PT Martina BertoJalan Puloayang No. 3 Jakarta TimurConstructed 1981
PT Tempo Scan PacificJalan M.T. Haryono No. 7 Jakarta Timursee remarksFormer Scanchemie factory. Yori Antar’s slide in a webinar claimed design date 1981, but Tempo Scan Pacific claimed 1970 as construction date coincidences with Scanchemie’s inauguration.
PT Dankos LaboratoriesJalan Rawagatel No. 35-40 Jakarta Timur1982Potential mislabeling as Finusolprima factory in Bekasi. Retained until stated otherwise
Gramedia distribution warehouseJalan Tipar Cakung Kav. M1 Jakarta TimurDesigned 1983Distribution warehouse owned by KOMPAS’ stationery and bookstore arm Gramedia
Pabrik Karung IndocementCiteureup, Kab. Bogor, Jawa BaratDesigned 1976Recorded by Han Awal’s CV as Bogasari sack factory.
PT Tarumatex, Indogrosir, Indomaret and IndokemasJalan Ahmad Yani No. 806 Bandung, Jawa BaratDesigned 1980Textile factory, but some part of it has converted into distribution warehouse and supermarket
PT Finusolprima Farma InternasionalKawasan Industri Rawa Pesung, Jalan Raya Bekasi, Bekasi, Jawa Baratdesigned 1982Potential mislabeling for Dankos factory. Retained until stated otherwise. Unfortunately, Han Awal’s design was demolished 2009


Some Han Awal’s building worth to see – public buildings only!

I.J. Kasimo building at Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atmajaya Semanggi (Atmajaya Catholic University). Images by Cipta magazine, 1981

Some buildings are iconic for own sake, like strategically-located Atmajaya Catholic University at Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, with I.J. Kasimo (1973) and botched post-modern Karol Wojtyla (1989) buildings. It was claimed in same webinar that Ranuwijaya and Yori Antar – Han Awal’s son of the vernacular addict – ruined I.J. Kasimo’s facade through their tasteless facelift.

There is Puspiptek guest house, which was reportedly built in 1982. It was claimed during the webinar that originally it was built as long, typical, lodging. But when asked to be bent by Puspiptek officials, Han Awal found it have better, more striking character. That’s it, a 150-room beauty featuring boxes full of cantilevers and setbacks; Tigaroda sport hall, built in 1982, that is one of few non-industrial domes – mosque not counted – constructed in this country.

In Surakarta, there’s Bank Indonesia building in Surakarta. Unlike other projects, Han Awal preserve old buildings and built new office building for central bank’s branch operation in Surakarta, Central Java. That was planned in 2011 and constructed afterwards; in 2012 the new building for Bank Indonesia’s Surakarta branch began occupation and inaugurated.

Han Awal also designed houses, school and churches, however houses are private and requires permission due to either legal and/or privacy reason. Sometimes the architect and publication won’t reveal actual location. While for churches, the blog do not take much research and decide to nick them from some resources. Han Awal’s cross-denomination portfolio are worth to see, especially his way on designing church’s roof. Below are list for churches, schools and anything else.

Churches and dorms

Wisma Samadi KlenderJalan Dermaga Raya No. 6 Jakarta TimurN/AReported as “Diocese Dorm in Klender”. This is only Catholic dorm in Klender district.
Holy Cross Church Cilincing (Gereja Salib Suci Cilincing)Jalan Tugu Raya No. 12 Kec. Koja, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakartaconstructed 1982-84Collaboration with Y.B. Mangunwijaya.
St. James’ Church (Gereja St. Yakobus Kelapa Gading)Jalan Pulo Bira Besar Jakarta Utaradesigned 1987
constructed 1990-92
Han Awal’s design were demolished 2009
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Kemakmuran (Gereja Bunda Hati Kudus Kemakmuran)Jalan K.H. Hasyim Ashari No. 28 Jakarta Pusatdesigned 1988
St. Andrew’s Church (Gereja St. Andreas Kebon Jeruk)Kompleks Green Garden Blok J5 Jakarta Baratconstructed 1993-94
Ka Im Tong Immanuel Church (Gereja Immanuel Ka Im Tong Bandung)Jalan HOS Cokoraminoto No. 63 Bandung, Jawa Baratconstructed 1994
St. Alphonsus Church Pademangan (Gereja St. Alfonsus Pademangan)Jalan Pademangan II Gg. 7 No. 1 Jakarta Utaradesigned 1978
Subreferensi: Moritz Henning; Eduart Kögel (ed. 2023). “Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek: German-trained Indonesian Architects from the 1960s.” Berlin: DOM Publisher. Hal. 106-107. i.t.a. = informasi tidak ada.


Schools, colleges, hospitals and offices

Gedung Bank Indonesia Surakarta
Bank Indonesia Surakarta is Han Awal’s latest work. Image is by SGPC
Atmajaya Catholic University (Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atmajaya)Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 51 Jakarta Pusatmasterplan design 1962-64Construction lasts until 2001. Some minor buildings were demlished
SMA Pangudi LuhurJalan Brawijaya IV No. 47 Jakarta Selatandesign 1965
construction 1965-66
Asrama Perawat RS St. CarolusJalan Salemba Raya No. 41 Jakarta Pusatdesign 1971
Renovation 1990
Not clear; however it might be a pavilion building
Rumah Sakit Universitas AtmajayaJalan Pluit Raya No. 2 Jakarta UtaraPolyclinic and dorm designed in 1973, construction 1973-76Polyclinic demolished 2021
SMP Pangudi LuhurJalan H. Nawi Raya No. 21 Jakarta Selatandesigned 1976As per Henning/Kögel’s Dipl.-Ing.
SLB B Pangudi Luhur Kebon JerukJalan Kencana Murni No. 125 Jakarta Baratdesigned 1993-94
KOMPAS buildingJalan Palmerah Selatan (Tentara Pelajar) No. 22-26 Jakarta Pusatdesigned 1982
construction 1983-1989
As recorded on a book about Gramedia, dated 2003. Collaboration with Vincent Winarko
3Roda ArenaCiteureup, Kab. Bogor, Jawa Baratdesigned 1984
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas IndonesiaKampus UI Depok, Jalan Prof. Dr. Selo Soemardjan Depok, Jawa Baratdesigned 1985
construction 1985-87
former Faculty of Letters (Fakultas Sastra UI). Collaboration with Mustafa Pamuntjak
Poliklinik Umum RS Katolik St. Vincentius a PauloJalan Diponegoro No. 51 Surabaya, Jawa Timurdesigned 1987Likely refers to newer extension of RKZ (RKZ is short of this hospital in Surabaya)
Sekolah Pangudi Luhur DeltamasJalan Zona Eropa Boulevard Delta Mas Bekasi, Jawa Baratdesigned 2006
Bank Indonesia SurakartaJalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 15 Surakarta, Jawa Tengahdesigned 2011
construction 2011-12
Includes renovation of old de Javasche Bank building across the street


Houses and lodgings

Only known address were listed

Wisma Tamu Puspiptek BRINBangunan 902 Kawasan Puspiptek Tangerang Selatan, Bantendesigned 1977
construction 1978-80
Hotel Mercure Jakarta KotaJalan Hayam Wuruk No. 123 Jakarta Baratconstruction 1991-97former Mercure Rekso Hotel
HomeJalan Bangka XI No. 9 Jakarta Selatanconstruction 1992Official Residence of Ambassador of France to Indonesia
HomeJalan Kemang IV No. 89 Jakarta Selatanconstruction 1994-95Han Awal’s personal home, built to replace his own home in Jalan Tulodong, demolished to make way for Sudirman CBD project

A conclusion

Han Awal is a German-trained Indonesian architect. The founder of Han Awal & Partners firm, his portfolio apart of churches, Puspiptek and Atmajaya University are mundane at best due to German modernism movement influence.

And his involvement on Dutch East Indies heritage restoration is the genius step Awal take. He restored Bank Indonesia building in Jakarta’s old city and Surakarta, National Archives building and Jakarta Cathedral to name a few, leaving an indelible legacy on our country’s architectural scene.

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